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文章来源:  中国云计算 发布时间: 2010年02月26日   浏览: 1106   作者:中国云计算

    本文提出了云计算新的管理和安全模式,私有虚拟结构(Private Virtual InfrastructurePVIPVI分为两层,对应着将安全职责分划到云服务提供商和使用者的两个方面,其中云服务提供商承担云服务的物理层安全和逻辑安全。云服务使用者负责为他们的虚拟结构提供合适的防火墙、入侵检测系统以及必要的监控和日志记录来保证信息的保密性。通过安全任务的“分治和安全验证时的规约来实现云安全。


Private Virtual Infrastructure for Cloud Computing


         Abstract:Cloud computing places an organization’s sensitive data in the control of a third party, introducing a significant level of risk on the privacy and security of the data. We propose a new management and security model for cloud computing called the Private Virtual Infrastructure (PVI) that shares the responsibility of security in cloud computing between the service provider and client, decreasing the risk exposure to both. The PVI datacenter is under control of the information owner while the cloud fabric is under control of the service provider. A cloud Locator Bot pre-measures the cloud for security properties, securely provisions the datacenter in the cloud, and provides situational awareness through continuous monitoring of the cloud security. PVI and Locator Bot provide the tools that organizations require to maintain control of their information in the cloud and realize the benefits of cloud computing.



标签: 计算 , 结构 , 私有 , 虚拟 , 英语
